At Ziyada, our heart and vision is to empower women in the workplace and broader community. Empowering women is essential to the health and social development of families, communities, and countries. Research shows that when women are living safe, fulfilled, and productive lives, it benefits everyone. Of course, it is our absolute delight when we see this happening in real time right in front of us! Over the years, our employees have invested in children, spouses, and siblings to help them launch businesses, complete degrees, receive medical care, build homes, and send small children to school.
Shobha’s son, Shubham, is a powerful example of what happens when women are empowered.
When Shobha started working at Ziyada, her family was in a very difficult place financially. At the time, Shobha’s husband was struggling to find consistent work, they didn’t have enough income to meet their basic needs, and their house was, quite literally, collapsing. The roof was caving in!
Shobha had never worked outside the home, but she desperately wanted to help her family. She thought of several small businesses that she had the skills to start, but she never had the capital to put her plans into action. So, when she heard about a new textile business opening in the neighborhood that wanted to hire women, she jumped at the opportunity.
After joining the Ziyada team, Shobha received training and became an expert sewist.
Shobha started saving money, eventually building a lovely new home with indoor plumbing, and a strong roof! At work, Shobha was growing, both as a sewist, and in her sense of self worth and confidence. The support and encouragement she received at Ziyada gave her the bravery required to start a new business venture.
After a few years of saving, she invested in her son, Shubham, to help him start his own business. Shubham was only 20 and had no prior work experience. She wanted him to open a shop dedicated to the needs of women, but Shubham was reluctant to do it on his own. She said, “My idea was to open a shop where women could by the things they love and need, like bangles and home goods, and also send clothing for alterations at a competitive rate. I could do the tailoring in the evenings after work, and Shubham could take orders and serve customers at the store during the day. This way, he wouldn’t feel alone. I would be there to guide him and support him, but he would also grow in his management and business skills.”
So, with her financial investment and supportive care, Shubham opened his own store!
In the last year, the store has expanded, now filling a space twice the size of the original location. Shubham is confidently running the shop, and deals with customers wisely and patiently. Shobha said, “I know that God is with us in this. As we seek him, and spend time with him, doors just keep opening for our family!”.
This is the power of social enterprise!
This is the power of businesses that commit to uplifting and empowering employees and developing communities. When you shop at Ziyada, you aren’t just purchasing a lovely pillow or gorgeous quilt, you are building a community, changing lives, and breaking the chains of poverty. Your purchases are POWERFUL! So, thank you for being a part of the Ziyada story! And, thank you for being a part of Shubham and Shobha’s story! Keep shopping, because you are making a difference!