Celebrate the anticipation and spiritual significance of Christmas with our Hand Loomed Advent Calendar. This unique piece features a cotton canvas Christmas tree adorned with 25 hand-loomed pockets. When you purchase this Advent calendar, you will also receive a printable PDF in your email inbox with 25 scripture cards designed to fit in the Advent Calendar pockets that you can use to focus your attention on the meaning of the Christmas season. This calendar is not just a countdown, but a heartfelt way to gather and share the stories and teachings that make this time of year so special. It’s a lasting keepsake that families can return to year after year, making your holiday season both joyful and meaningful.
With each product you purchase from Ziyada, you are part of the process of bringing more hope, more help, more happiness, and more health to the artisans who make them. Ziyada (Zee-yah-duh) means more—more hope, more help, more happiness, more health—for you and for our world. Ziyada exists to provide meaningful employment in a safe environment for people caught in the devastating cycle of extreme poverty in North India, and in the process, to bring you more quality and beauty through each good we create.